A lot of people hear about the resurrection or read about it and think "that's a nice story. A good story even." We might believe that it happened however, the resurrection doesn't necessarily change us. We might not quite comprehend the magnitude of the resurrection. Or at least, not enough.
This resurrection ought to shape how we look at our futures. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul says “Where is your victory, death? where is your sting?” Can you say this with the same confidence that Paul does?
Where is your hope if it isn’t in the resurrection? Is your hope in what God can do for me in this life? Is your hope for God to change your fortunes? Perhaps your hope is to get a better job, or better grades. Maybe your hope is for good kids and a secure future for them. Maybe it is good health for you and your family. These might be good things, but perhaps your hope is not necessarily in the resurrection.
If your hope is not in the resurrection, then you will still be afraid of death. You will still be afraid of failing in this life. Because if your hope is not in the resurrection, for you, this life is all there is. You will pursue your career and your money more than you will pursue Jesus and his kingdom. You will pursue your health and your comfort more than you will take up your cross and follow in the sufferings of Christ. You will pursue your earthly relationships more than you pursue your relationship with Christ. You will fear the opinions of man more than you fear God. If you fail in any of these, it will hurt you more than you realize, because you still fear the sting of death. You still do not have victory over death.
But what gives us this victory? How do we get rid of the sting? The resurrection of Jesus Christ. How do we know that Jesus paid the price for our sin? The resurrection of Jesus Christ. How do we know we have new life and a new hope? The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This Easter Sunday, may we be reminded of the victory and new life we have in the extraordinary resurrection of Jesus, and may it be your hope for all of life.
許多人會聽聞過關於復活之事或讀過一些相關的書籍文章,他們會想“啊,這的確是一個很好的故事。” 我們也許相信復活的事的確曾經在歷史中出現,然而卻不一定會為我們的生命帶來改變。因而我們未必能夠真正完全理解復活的意義和影響是何等的深遠和廣大。又或是,至少我們對它的認識並不足夠。
但這復活之事理應塑造出我們面對未來應有的正確態度。哥林多前書 15: 55中保羅說:「死啊,你得勝的權勢在哪裡?死啊,你的毒鉤在哪裡?」你能夠擁有像保羅一般的堅定信心來說出這番話嗎?