Today is Mother’s Day, I wish that all mothers be overflow with God’s abundant blessings, and by His grace, serve Him joyfully.  Proverbs 31:10 “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”  In verse 30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  Every mother has a noble identity, and for those who fear the Lord, they will be praised.  I wish that every mother in BAC will be praised by the Lord.     

          While BAC is stepping into the 41st year, we are planning to hold a joint congregational worship and a celebration dinner on August 7th to make up for the celebrations which were postponed last year due to the pandemic.  After a detailed and thoughtful discussion, the 40th Anniversary Celebration Committee strongly believes that the celebrations can proceed as planned in August.  When we were searching for the venue, not too many churches have the capacity to accommodate brothers and sisters from all three congregations.  By God’s grace and His provision, we are able to rent the sanctuary of Evangelical Chinese Bible Church (ECBC), which has a capacity of over one thousand people, to hold our joint congregational worship on August 7th.  ECBC church was also the place where the Annual Revival Meeting of Greater Vancouver was held).  Also, because of the pandemic, many wedding banquets had been postponed to this summer.  It was also difficult to find a restaurant that can sit over five hundred people .By God’s grace, we are able to have our celebration dinner at the same restaurant we used to host our 35th Anniversary Celebration dinner.  Therefore, for August 7th, we are planning to cancel all the morning worship services, and have one joint congregational worship at ECBC at 3pm; with our celebration dinner afterwards.  The 40th Anniversary Celebration will be focused on BAC’s future plan of how to continuously expand the Kingdom of God. We don’t want to merely remember the blessings of the past, but also looking forward to the future. May BAC continue to strive forward in unity to explore possible opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God together.  

         We encourage everyone to mark your calendar for these special events.  Let us recall God’s abundant blessings upon BAC over the past forty years. While continuing to strive forward to the next forty years. Further details of the celebrations will be announced later. 

          今天是母親節主日,祝福每一位母親主恩滿溢,事奉得力。箴言三十一章十節說:“才德的婦人,誰能得著呢﹖她的價值遠勝過珍珠。”而第三十節說:“ 艷麗是虛假的,美容是虛浮的;惟敬畏耶和華的婦女,必得稱讚。”每一位母親都擁有著尊貴的身份,而敬畏耶和華的,更能得著祂的稱讚。願意在本宣家每一位作母親的,都是蒙神稱讚的。

        在本宣家正踏進四十一年的時候,教會謹訂將於本年八月七日,補祝去年因疫情關係,未能如期舉行的三語系的聯合感恩崇拜與及慶祝晚宴。本宣家四十週年慶祝籌備委員會經過細心商討後,都有信心這個慶典能夠於本年八月舉行。而在尋找租借可以容納三語的弟兄姊妹 (超過八百人)的教會,並不太多。但神有美好的預備及安排,為我們預備禮堂可容納一千多人聚會的聖道堂 (歷屆大溫聯合培靈會所租用的地方),在八月七日下午可以讓我們租用。而因為過去兩年多的疫情,令不少婚禮後的飲宴,都要延期於今年暑期補辦。要找到能容納五百人以上的酒樓亦有困難。但神亦滿有恩典,預備了本宣家在三十五週年慶祝晚宴的同一間酒家,可以在八月七日晚給我們留座使用。所以,我們預算於八月七日,取消早上的所有崇拜,而一同於下午三時左右,在聖道堂舉行三語系聯合感恩崇拜。在崇拜後,一同到酒家參予感恩慶祝晚宴。本宣家四十週年的感恩慶祝,主題的重點將會放於本宣家未來發展神的國度裡面。我們不單止回顧感恩,更要將感恩的目光放於未來。本宣家要繼續努力,為擴展神的國度同心開墾荒地。



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