When witnessing for our Lord Jesus Christ, we will always encounter some difficult issues like “there is no God”, “I’m not a sinner” or “I just cannot believe”… Atheism is by far the biggest obstacle. There are people who deeply hold to this belief in every walk of life. They make up the majority of the challenges we face. For sure, you will run into them. However, there are two life issues atheists must face that are work in our favor.

1.      Atheist do not believe in God. That means there is not a supreme being with authority to uphold right and wrong. In this belief system, everyone is to make his own judgment without moral absolutes. No wonder we live in moral chaos. What is considered right today could quickly become wrong the next.  The daily occurrence of moral decline, hideous crime, violence, injustice, deception and social corruption is overwhelming.  Even atheists want to have a sovereign power to spell out and uphold what is absolute right and wrong.

2.      Atheism believes man has the power to determine his destiny and conquer nature.  Reality speaks differently. Man is totally helpless when faced with natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents, sickness, death, and, not the least, his own greed. Atheistic or not, we desperately need a kind Savior to save us from all these.

         By default, atheists are proud of themselves and of their own ability, thinking that they are the strong ones. How should we respond to their naïve thinking?

1.      Do not let their foolishness arouse our anger. On the contrary, we should be patient, because we were once like them, and just as foolish. We cannot speak directly against their foolishness, or tear down their atheistic beliefs. Doing so could incite argument and fury. After all, atheism is all they have for security and self-esteem. The strategy of the Blessing Groups is repeatedly presenting the theistic view in a gentle manner and let time loosen their stand.

2.      We have to believe that God has already revealed Himself in the hearts of man. Romans 1:20 “ For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”  Our patience would allow God’s witness, which has already been seeded, to work in their hearts. God’s witness is much more powerful than what we can bring in a theological argument.

3.      We should be well prepared, and be ready to answer their questions on God’s existence.  The most powerful evidence is the mighty work of God – the fulfilment of his prophecies; “God did what he promised.”  The promises are great and wondrous things such that their fulfillments leave no other interpretation but the work of God himself.  My suggestion to every one of us is to choose a particular biblical prophecy and write a short essay on its historical fulfillment. The content should be simple, concise and easy to follow. Read it out loud several times in a firm but gentle manner. Then practice by sharing it with a friend. Make this your personal weapon of response to atheistic challenge. If you could write several essays of this kind, you would be more adequately prepared to handle different situations. 


              一、 無神論沒有至高道德掌權者;各人靠自己釐定是非。現實是人間道德淪亡;暴力、詐騙、虛僞層出不窮。人極需一位堅定有力的正義執行者。



             第一、     不要讓他們的愚昧牽動我們的怒氣,反而要動憐憫的心腸,為他們得救付出忍耐。我們不能直接戳破無神論的錯謬;因為無神論是他們的安全帽;他們要靠這安全帽得到一點安慰和尊嚴。倘若我們無情的把它戳破,只會引起反感及爭論。我們要忍耐溫柔的讓他們自己發現;幸福小組的策略就是不停的將「一位仁慈的神」的意念傳給他們,叫他們有機會接觸相反的思想,而自我反思。  

             第二、     我們要相信神早已在人心裡作了見證。「自從造天地以來,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,雖是眼不能見,但藉著所造之物就可以曉得,叫人無可推諉。」(羅馬書1:20)神自己的見證比什麼都有力。我們的忍耐能給人時間去發現神的見證。


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