Current announcement: Extreme Weather Condition: If the Sunday service is going to be cancelled due to extreme weather, notice will be posted on the BAC website starting at 7:30 pm Saturday night and no later than 6:45 am Sunday morning. For clarification, please call church office during office hours.

若遇天氣惡劣:弟兄姊妹可於週六晚上 7:30 後到教會網站查看有關翌日之崇拜聚會情況,及週日早上 6:45 後到網站查看當天崇拜聚會是否作出最後更改。没有上網習慣者,請家人代為查看。如崇拜聚會取消,則各團契組長亦會以電郵或致電通知弟兄姊妹。若對此程序有疑問,請於辦公時間致電教會辦事處查詢。