2020 has been a very challenging year, but difficult times will always pass.  It has been almost nine months since the outbreak of COVID-19.  Year 2020 will pass after two months, and similarly, no matter how severe the pandemic situation is, one day that too will end.  Let us look up to our gracious Lord, and the power of the Holy Spirit to boldly overcome the pandemic together.

      Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in two weeks.  At this meeting, there will be the Elders’ election, a presentation on the direction and ministry focus of BAC for next year, a progress report on the Annex rebuild project, and some church family sharing.  I hope that all members will attend and do their part as family members.  Non-members are also welcome to attend to learn about the direction and development of the church in the upcoming year.

      When it comes to the AGM, I think of the relationship between BAC and her members.  In fact, it is a relationship between family members.  Is this relationship important?  It is indeed significant.  There is no family without family members.  One family member must also serve as the head.  Christ is our leader, the head.  Pastors and the congregation members are His body.  Each body part has a different function, and each part must come together to build Christ’s body according to his/her function.  Therefore, I strongly encourage every brother and sister who attends BAC to join this local family.  As members of the spiritual family, we shoulder up the responsibilities, and take on the important task to build up this local body.  Brothers and sisters have to commit themselves to their own home so that the home is built solidly and established firmly, and ultimately becomes the light of our community.

      Family members must care about family matters.  When family members have difficulties and are in need, everyone must be willing to help to support each other, and overcome difficulties together.  Blood is thicker than water.  Everyone in a biological family is related by blood.  Similarly, in the church family, brothers and sisters are related by Christ’s blood.  This relationship is closer and more precious than anything else.  Home is a place where each member is nourished and protected.  It is also a place where members strive to protect and maintain unity.  This is a delicate relationship that only family members get to enjoy.  BAC needs your commitment and input to build the kingdom of God together.  If you are not one already, I hope you will join BAC as a family member as soon as possible. Help us build BAC into a disciple-making church.  I encourage every brother and sister to attend the AGM on November 8th to discuss family matters together.

      二零二零年是十分挑戰性的一年, 但畢境困難的時間總會過去。自疫情爆發至今,已差不多九個月了。二零二零年還有兩個多月便會過去,同樣疫情無論如何嚴峻,亦總會有過去的一天。讓我們靠著主的恩典,和聖靈的力量,一同勇敢地跨過。

      兩個星期後,便是本宣家週年會友大會。當中有長老選舉,明年教會方向,事工焦點,附堂重建及其它家事的分享等等。盼望會友務必出席, 盡上家人的本份。同時亦歡迎非會友列席參加,了解本宣家來年的方向及事工的發展。

      當談到會友大會的時候,我們便會聯想到本宣家與及會友的關係。其實就是家與家人的關係。這種關係重要嗎﹖我可以回答大家,這種關係的確是十分重要的。一個家怎能沒有家人﹖一個家怎能沒有作領導的(頭) ﹖而我們真正的領導、真正的頭就是基督。牧者與會眾都是祂的身體。只是各肢體有不同的功用,各按各職一同建立主的身體。所以,我極力鼓勵每一位參加本宣家聚會的弟兄姊妹,都加入本宣家成為會友,成為家人。一同承擔屬靈責任,承擔家人互助互建的重任。弟兄姊妹要委身於自己的家,這個家才能夠穩定堅固地建立,並且能夠發出光輝。家人必然顧念家事,而當家人有困難、家人有需要,大家就必定願意施出援手,互相扶持,共渡困難。因為血濃於水,大家都有著血緣的關係。同樣,在教會的大家庭裡面,基督是我們的頭,弟兄姊妹同樣是血濃於水,我們都有著主寶血的血緣關係,這關係比一切都更密切和寶貴。家是你與我們得餵養和得保護的地方,家同時亦是家人努力去保護及維繫著團結的地方。這種微妙的關係,是家人才能享受的。本宣家需要你的委身,你的投入,一同發展神的國度。盼望你早日加入本宣家成為家人(會友),一同建立本宣家成為一間能建立門徒的教會。邀請每一位弟兄姊妹,參加十一月八日的週年會友大會,一同商討我們家中的事.

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