“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”  Isaiah 6:8  

       Whenever your life gets transformed, it always comes with a change to your lifestyle. Sometimes we want God to transform us, to give us “God-moments” - sudden moments of profound intimacy or power or emotion - so that we know he is there and that we matter to him. For most of us, transformation happens gradually over time. Sometimes it happens in dramatic gestures, but many times it can be slow and imperceptible.  

       Whatever form transformation takes place, it always reworks how we live. We cannot have transformation in our souls without having our lifestyles transformed as well. What happens on the inside must be reflected on the outside, otherwise it probably isn’t transformation at all. The problem for many of us is we want to experience God, but we don’t necessarily want him to change how we live.  

       When Isaiah had his transformation experience, he recognized his sinfulness before a holy God and by his grace, God took away his guilt and atoned for his sin. Isaiah was transformed in his soul. What sealed his transformation and made it real is what happened next. God asked “Who will I send?” and without even knowing what would be asked of him, Isaiah replied “Here am I! Send me.” No hesitation.

       When true transformation takes place, it doesn’t matter what God asks of us, we simply go. We simply say “yes, I’m here. I’ll go.”  

       God doesn’t just want us to experience him, he wants to transform us. Will you let him?


       每當你的生命得着更新以後,生活的形式也總是隨着起了變化。有時,我們希望神給與我們一些「遇見神」的時刻,一些在情感﹑力量或者親密性上很深刻的突發時刻 – 好叫我們知道祂就在那裡並且祂很在乎我們。對於大多數人來說,生命的更新是隨著時間緩緩推進。有時會是戲劇性地發生,但往往都可能是慢慢的而且是難以察覺的。    






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