With the recent ups and downs of the pandemic, people's moods have also risen and fallen.  I believe many people are asking this question: "When will the pandemic end?"  Instead, I want to ask you a question: "How much more will I let this pandemic control my life?"  

         We can let fear and worry control our lives, but since we all belong to God, we are absolutely capable of not being controlled by fear and worry.  This is because we have the power to transcend the pandemic and all worries.  This power is from the Holy Spirit that abides in us.  Nowadays, the government, doctors, medical reports, etc. cannot give us true inner peace, but only the eternal, true God can.  New discoveries in medical reports come out every month, but all these discoveries just add to our doubts and worries as these studies can be changed and updated at any time.  None of these reports can provide an absolute and effective solution.

         Today, people in every country are encouraged to take the vaccine.  Two doses of the vaccine are required, and even the third dose of the vaccine will be given in the future so that resistance to the coronavirus can have a stronger and longer-lasting effect.  I believe that even if someone gets three full shots in the future, or even another three more shots, he can still live in fear and be trapped by worries.  Dear brothers and sisters, if we cannot jump out of this valley of fear as soon as possible, I am afraid that it is not the coronavirus that will bring you down, but your fear.  How much longer will your life be controlled by this pandemic?  

         Doing our part to protect ourselves and others is our responsibility.  Being vaccinated is a more effective method of protection today.  When medical personnel advise us based on scientific research and our health conditions permit, we should support and obey.  After we have done our part to protect ourselves and others, we should say no to fear and worry!  This is especially true for every Christian because real protection comes from God, not just by our own strength.  We should have confidence in vaccines, but more importantly, we must have faith in God.  And this faith is not to believe that we will be totally unaffected, but trusting that God has the best will for our lives. This best will include challenges, difficulties, and trials, but all these experiences will become beautiful testimonies of our lives. 

       隨著近日疫情的起起跌跌,人的心情亦會有所起跌。相信很多人都會發出一個問題: “究竟疫情何時會完結呢﹖”但我卻要問大家一個問題: “究竟我還會讓這個疫控制我的生活多久呢﹖”恐懼、擔心可以控制我們的一生。但我們屬於神的每一位,我們絕對有能力不讓恐懼、擔心控制我們的生命。因為我們有超越疫情的能力、有超越擔心的力量, 這個力量就是在我們裡面聖靈的力量。今天,政府、醫生、醫學報告等等,都不能令我們內心得到真正的平安,因為內心真正的平安,只有永恆的真神,才能賜給我們的。醫學的報告,每個月都會有不同的新發現。而這一切的發現,卻只會加添我們更多的疑慮,更多的擔心。 因為這些的研究,隨時都可以有所改變,有所更新。而這一切的報告,都不能提供絕對有效的解決方法。



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