Last week, I shared that “Perseverance with Faith” is very important for fulfilling the Lord’s mission.  Faith must be combined with perseverance.  It is indeed a very important match.  Having faith does not mean that the road will be smooth and easy.  To complete the hard road with faith, you must have perseverance in order to bear good fruit.  It was by the power of the Holy Spirit and the perseverance of faith that BAC has gone through the difficult road this past year.  However, the grace that God bestowed on BAC during the pandemic in 2020 was extremely abundant.  There was no delay in ministry and tithing was not lacking either.  This is a beautiful testimony of the faithfulness and unity of the brothers and sisters of this family to God.  

      Psalm 50:23 reminds us that “Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,and to the blameless I will show my salvation.”  Today, at the beginning of this new year, let us all give thanks and glory to the one true God with one heart! 

      It doesn’t matter whether you consider our forty-year anniversary a long or short time.  What is important is whether BAC gives thanks, glorifies God and walks on the right path in each of these forty years.  A church that glorifies God is a church that acknowledges the gracious God.  It is a church that makes disciples according to God's will, and works hard to spread the gospel to fulfill the Lord's mission.  To achieve the above goals, brothers and sisters must be united in the Lord, and consider this church their spiritual home. Every family member must participate and commit themselves together, to humbly serve and love one another.

      I have served in BAC for twenty-six years.  I dare not say that every one of our brothers and sisters have united to work hard to serve the Lord in the past, but I am certain that we are all trying hard. The ups and downs are inevitable, but God’s grace is sufficient for us.  The Holy Spirit has always protected and guarded us.  Even though there will be moments of trials, interpersonal issues, and problems of dealing with sin, God has made us grow and mature through fire and trials.  In the past twenty-six years, I have always been grateful after each year’s review.  Was this guaranteed to happen? Certainly not!  This was built step by step by the devoted pastors and faithful brothers and sisters of the past forty years.  

    In the past five years, God has taught us to receive God’s will, His vision and direction for BAC through prayer.  Through everyone's prayer, BAC has received a clear vision that everyone has helped to promote and take part in over the past five years.  Was there adversity or difficulty?  Certainly!  But in the midst of adversity and difficulties, we survived and continued to implement.  This is because through prayer, God gave BAC the vision and showed us His direction.  God will accomplish His work.  We have all witnessed the faithfulness of God in these past five years.  By persevering with faith, brothers and sisters have overcome difficulties, worked together to fight against the evil one, and continued to do God's work in spite of the pandemic.  2021 is a time for every one of us to participate and learn to be a follower (disciple) of Christ with Christ as the center, the Holy Spirit as the power, and mission as the focus.  Heading towards our 40th anniversary with excitement, let us all lift up our offering in thanksgiving to God.





      在過去這五年中,神更教導我們要在禱告中領受神的心意,領受神給予本宣家的異象方向。藉著大家的禱告,本宣家建立了清晰的異象,在過去五年裡而,大家同心推動及參予。當中沒有逆境,沒有困難嗎﹖當然不是。而是在逆境和困難中,我們都可以安然渡過,繼續推行及完成。因為我們從禱告中所領受的這一切,都是神給予本宣家的異象方向。神的工作,神必定成就。本宣家過去五年,都見證到神的信實。弟兄姊妹憑著有信心的毅力,排除萬難,同心抵抗惡者的攻擊,而且更能在疫情中,完成神的工作。2021年是本宣家的弟兄姊妹, 開始參與及學習作一個以基督為中心,以聖靈為能力, 以使命為焦點的基督跟隨者(門徒)。讓我們懷著興奮的心情,一同以感謝獻上為祭,邁進第四十週年。 


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