From last spring and summer until recently, it seems B.C. has experienced one disaster after another, in addition to this pandemic.  Starting from the wildfires with record-breaking high temperatures, followed by flooding, to the snow storms that happened a few weeks ago, and the avalanche warnings afterwards… all these catastrophes make it seem unbearable.  Under such helpless situations, all we can do is try to face them with courage, and not let these calamities affect our daily lives.  However, it’s always “easier said than done”.  

          We often hear people saying: “Man can conquer all”.  After going through all these natural disasters, we realize how ignorant it can be to say such. Our strength is so negligible and minimal.  The wildfires cannot be put out simply by human effort without rain from above, and after a day of heavy downpour, a whole town was under water. Extreme high temperatures, more than 10 degrees above normal, have already cost almost a thousand lives. Regardless of the most advanced technology, we are still unable to put the Coronavirus under control. Therefore “Man can conquer all” is merely wishful thinking.  Quite the opposite, we indeed have to be humble in front of God, and seek His help.

         Everyone has to face natural disasters, whether one has received Christ as her Savior or not. The difference is how we respond to adversity. [DE1] We as Christians know we have received abundant grace from God. Because of God’s unfailing love, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered with His strength, so that even in midst of adversity, we have peace in our hearts to face difficulty together with other brothers and sisters. For those who do not know Jesus yet, what can they rely on?  As a result, it’s not a surprise to see so many people suffering mental and emotional distress throughout these long pandemic times.

          Today, God allows pandemics, natural disasters and catastrophes to happen. All this makes us realize how small and negligible we are, which leads us to humble ourselves, to repent, and come to God. Therefore, now is the time for us to be a witness of God to others. If we as Christians lack inner peace and joy, and have worries and fear more than those who do not believe, how can we be good witnesses in front of non-believers? I hope that every brother and sister in BAC, will make good use of this opportunity to be a witness for God. In this unusual time, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live out an extra-ordinary life which shows our exceptional joy and peace from God, is a good witness for God, and glorify the name of our Lord!  [DE1]This is redundant. 

         自去年的春、夏季開始至今,卑斯省在疫情的當中,更加添了“水深火熱” 一連串的天災。從山火開始,到破紀錄的高溫,跟著而來的水災,到數星期前的連場大雪,之後會有雪崩的警告等等,都令省民透不過氣來。在這無奈的情況下,我們只能夠學習去勇敢面對,不要被這一切的“災禍” 影響我們的生命,與及日常的生活。但這是談何容易呢﹖

        相信我們常常都會聽到有人說:“人定勝天”。意思是說人類可以靠著他們的意志力量,是可以勝過天命的。在過去的一切天災當中,我們便知道這句說話,實在只是出於人類的無知。人類實在是如何的渺小。山火若不是倚靠天雨的降臨,靠人的力量,就根本無法將它撲滅。而只是一天的濠雨,足已覆蓋整個小鎮。氣溫比正常高出十多度,便可以令到大溫社區近千人喪命。人類最尖端的科學研究,至今仍未能夠完全控制新冠病毒。“人定勝天” 就只是人類一句自我安慰的說話。世人極之需要在神面前謙卑求助。



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