The world needs Jesus.

   The world needs the healing hands of Jesus that mends the brokenness and hatred so many of are experiencing. The brokenness which has been magnified by close to two years of living under the pressure of the pandemic and its effects.

The result? The build-up of pressure is “exploding” in many areas of society:

A fast food worker got hot coffee thrown at her for no apparent reason (“Vancouver police seek woman seen throwing hot coffee at Tim Hortons employee in video”, GlobalNews, Oct 22, 2021)

A nurse got yelled at in a grocery store by vaccine protesters (“Health-care workers face ‘moral injury’ from work stress, protests…” CTV News, Sept 10, 2021)

Only a year ago they were hailed as heroes, and the whole society was cheering them with a nightly ritual of banging pots and pans from their balconies.

We may be appalled by the world’s inconsistency, but Jesus is no stranger to people’s flip flop and hostility. One week after He was welcomed as a king in Jerusalem, He was betrayed by His own and was hung on the cross in the same city.  But listen to the last plea of Jesus,

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And they cast lots to divide his garments. (Luke 23:34)

This is the world that is hostile to Jesus, but desperately needs Jesus’ healing. And this is the same world that Jesus died to save. That healing is first demonstrated by Jesus’ church, as we learn to follow our master’s path of forgiveness, when we live in same world of hostility, hatred and brokenness.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)

As we demonstrate that Christ is truly working within us, we shall draw society to receive the full healing that is only available through receiving Jesus’ forgiveness, and entering into a personal and living relationship with Him. 

Yes, the world needs the sacrificial love of Jesus.



一名快餐店員無故被扔擲熱咖啡(“Vancouver police seek woman seen throwing hot coffee at Tim Hortons employee in video”, Global News, Oct 22, 2021)

一名護士在雜貨店內被疫苗示威者咆哮叫罵(“Health-care workers face ‘moral injury’ from work stress, protests…” CTV News, Sept 10, 2021)





並要以恩慈相待,存憐憫的心,彼此饒恕, 正如神在基督裡饒恕了你們一樣。(以弗所書4:32)

