Over the past few months, I believe many brothers and sisters have been vaccinated against the coronavirus.  Meanwhile, there is a saying you hear from different news reports, “We may have to face a new normal after the pandemic.”  Normal life in the future will be different from what we were used to before the pandemic.  The norms of an individual, a church, a community, the society, and the world have been changed because of the pandemic.  How do we prepare ourselves to face all these upcoming changes?  

         In reality, whether there is a pandemic or not, the world and society are constantly changing every day.  Every person and every group in the world face or adapt to continual changes.  The church must keep pace with the times to understand the changes in the world, in society, in culture, and in people's hearts.  By doing this, we can plan and implement more effective shepherding and evangelism methods.  A church that stays the same, and continues to hold the same activities week after week without adapting does not grow.  What one faces now is already very different from previous times.  The norms are so much different now compared to those last year.  Regardless, the church needs to recognize the changes that are happening to better understand how to nurture her people in a timely manner.  

         At the same time, a church's existence is mainly to lead people to the Lord, and make them disciples of the Lord.  A disciple of Jesus should feel a sense of belonging to the church family.  He or she should support, commit, and even sacrifice for the church family.  As family members, we are to love each other under any circumstance.  Family members do not leave when there are difficulties in the family, nor should they leave because of the pandemic.  That only happens with bystanders who only stay for selfish gain.  When they think other churches offer more benefits for them, they leave and go to that church.  For them, they are just wanderers without a home. I encourage brothers and sisters who have not yet become members, please join BAC to become part of the church family.  As a family, together let us learn to be disciples, to make disciples, and to adjust to the new normal that conforms to God's heart.

         相信不少弟兄姊妹已經在過去這幾個月裡面,接種了新冠病毒的疫苗。同時,在不同的消息和報導中,都會聽過一個詞句,就是在疫情過後,可能要面對新常態(new normal)的生活。意思是未來的生活常態(習慣),與疫情之前的生活常態(習慣),是會有分別的。因為過去這年多的疫情,令至全世界、社會、社區、教會、個人等等的生活習慣,都會帶來一些新的狀態。以往多年的日常生活狀況和習慣,在疫情過後,都會有所改變。我們又如何預備自己,面對將會來臨的改變呢﹖


         同時,教會存在的焦點,是要領人歸主,繼而要建立他們成為主的門徒。屬於主的門徒,是要對自己屬靈的家有所歸屬,要有支持,要有投身,甚至要有犧牲。家人在任何情況下,都要以愛維繫著的。家人怎會因為家有改變,因為疫情,或是因為有困難便會離開的呢? 離開的都不會是家人,而是一些旁觀者,他們只是站在旁邊,看看有甚麼對自己有好處的,便留多一會兒。當另外的教會對自己有更多好處時,便離開轉向他處。試想想,家究竟是甚麼﹖在此鼓勵還未加入本宣家成為會友的弟兄姊妹,盡快加入教會,成為本宣家的家人,一同學習作主門徒,一同建立門徒,一同建立合神心意的新常態。

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