The second problem in evangelism is communicating the message of "sin" - that "there is no one righteous, not even one." It's easier to preach this message to a large audience, because people will not likely do anything outrageous out of politeness. But  one on one, it’s quite unpredictable.

            You may be tempted to get around this issue by focusing on God's "grace" instead. After all, "by grace we are saved through faith." The ultimate goal is "that whoever believes in him (Jesus) shall not perish, but have eternal life.” However, this approach would have serious consequences: people might think they are doing God a favor by accepting the gospel.  In this case, Jesus would have died on the cross in vain. The church has no shortage of such people who only dogmatically admit they are sinners, but do not believe so in the heart. If a person does not know that he is a sinner, how can he experience God's grace of forgiving sinners, not to mention the taste of heaven! In order to save the loss, we cannot bypass the issue of "sin".

           How can we talk to people about "sin"?  First, we need to be clear that there are two important points that must be conveyed.

           1.  "Sinner" - a person has innate tendencies to sin. His heart contains all the necessary ingredients, such as greed, jealousy, resentment, deception, etc.

           2.  "Sin". We all have committed “sins” by exercising these tendencies.

           There is an effective and less intrusive way to convey the words "sinner" and "sin". That is to make use of one’s personal testimonial. If we confess our sins dogmatically, people would likewise listen to our words dogmatically, because it sounds like we are speaking from a moral high ground. No wonder people are offended to hear us talk about "sin," because no matter how humble and gentle our attitude, it can't hide the fact that we are sinners too. However, if we confess specific sins which convicted us of our sinfulness, our openness and honesty would carry spiritual weight to draw others to do the same. After all, everyone has sinned, and the experience of guilt and shame is all too common. Though they have been conditioned by the social society to sweep it under the rug. So much so, they have come to believe "I am not a sinner." 

            It only takes one brave person to bring it out into the open. It will have to start with you and me! As we write our salvation testimony, we must also write about how we found ourselves a "sinner", and why the redemption of Jesus is desperately needed. ("I have not come to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners. " Luke5:32) 






             要傳達以上兩點,最有效的方法是見證自己是個有「罪」的「罪人」:我犯了什麼具體的「罪」,那罪怎樣有效的證明我是個「罪人」。只有我們勇敢的敞開承認自己是個罪人,才有資格談論「人人都是罪人」,並勸人認罪。否則,我們只是站在道德之高點,指點別人的不是。難怪人聽見我們談「罪」就反感,因爲無論我們態度多謙卑、多溫柔,都無法遮掩一個事實 – 我們也是罪人。




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