AIDIA is a local ministry in southern Peru that’s working to translate the entire Bible into the Eastern Apurímac Quechua language. We thank God for allowing us to complete the translation of the Bible into East Apurímac Quechua. We are sure that this translation will be a great blessing for many Quechua speaking people in the Apurímac region. Now our desire is to see the whole Bible printed. We are praying that God will guide the people doing the next steps of editing and the final publication.

AIDIA is promoting the use of translated Scriptures, teaching people to read and write their language, training pastors and Sunday school teachers and much more.


  1. Bible Translation

During the months through April to June, Bible translation is still processing in these regions. 

Bible translation is into Quechua of La Unión – Cotahuasi

Bible translation is into Nomatsiguenga – Junín.

Bible translation is into South Pastaza Quechua and North Pastaza Quechua

Bible translation is into Quechua of San Martin – Tarapoto, San Martín

Bible translation into South Aimara – Puno is a new translation project and a training workshop was given to the translators.

A training workshop was given for the start of the translation project, where topics such as: Bible Translation, translation principles, key terms, teamwork, problems from A to Z, how to translate the names of God starting in Genesis, and how to do a back translation, were covered. Also, the use of the Paratext program was explained step by step.

The team is made up of three translators, and they are quite excited about the translation of the Bible into their own language. We thank God for this good start of the new project.

  1. Use of the Bible Scriptures

During this quarter, the facilitators made their trips to the communities without any problem. The visits to the planted churches are carried out in order to monitor and encourage the leaders and members of the churches. They also travel to train new leaders and believers, and to help them with Bible studies. They also gave training in the use of the orality book for the new leaders so that they themselves can teach in the church.

  1. Audiovisual Ministry:

In the month of May, a team from AE ILMAV came to make an audio recording of the revised East Apurímac Quechua New Testament. Several Quechua-speaking believers participated in the recordings, which were done in the AIDIA audio room. We know that the audio Bible is a great blessing for the Quechua-speaking believers in the communities and that is why we are praying that the recording of the Old Testament can also be made soon.

  1. Church Planting and Training:

During this quarter, the three facilitators worked in the communities where there are no churches (unreached fields), traveled to evangelize, and made door-to-door visits to share God’s Word.

  1. Social Assistance: During the months of April, May, and June, work continued in coordination with health centers, municipalities, and educational institutions. Each institution has water filters and support is being given to promote and monitor the use of the filters. It should be emphasized that after the talks and visits, people are given a short reflection on God’s Word.

Likewise, during this quarter it was possible to share 1,018 baskets of basic foods with the believers in the various communities in the focus areas where AIDIA works. These products are very helpful in allowing us to enter unreached areas to preach the Gospel, have conversations that connect us with people, and evangelize through God’s Word.

  • Please pray for the political and social situation in our country. In December there was a strike in almost the whole country, paralyzing the various activities and blocking the highways.
  • We also ask for your prayers for the Bible translation projects.  They will start with four Bible translation projects in various regions this year.  Please pray for the smoothness of these new projects.
  •  Pray for the Audiovisual Ministry that they will keep on producing the radio programs.  This quarter the radio programs were not produced due to a change in personnel and changes in programming and schedules.   As these devices are a great help for the Quechua speakers who can’t read but who want to learn from the Word of God.  Some small distant churches will use this to teach God’s word because there is no leader in the church.  



As of August, 2023